Songs for the present tense

Participatory performance
2023 – ongoing

This work starts in 2023 and is an on-going project. Its structure is that of a performance during which a performer attempts to put the verses of a text created using the cadavre exquis methodology into a meter, following a sound designed specifically for the performance and repeating in a loop until the end of the performance itself.

The songs arise from the themes of my artistic research and/or personal fears, or socio-political situations of the moment each song is born and I always write the first verse.

The other contributors are all people with whom I have discussed the theme of the song to which they are invited to contribute. The final form of a sung event comes from reflecting on the meaning of the present, a moment that is inextricably linked to the past and the future but which in itself does not last except in the memory of an event experienced, which extends it for the duration of the event itself.

Documentation of the performance realized for my solo exhibition: “at the edge of everything we are”, curated by Ajola Xoxa at NAAN Gallery, Tirana.
Performer: Viki Haxhi, Roel Shyle
Loop sound composed by: Donovan McKenzie