Dei Viaggi e di ciò che resta

Rapidograph drawings on semi-transparent paper
stitched on an isothermal cloth background, 25x25cm

The series of drawings is a visualisation of the transformation of one’s identity at the moment of travel. This transformation is in the eyes of the artist something anti-heroic that takes place, almost unconsciously in our everyday life. It is precisely for this reason that the human figures, a sort of self-portrait, merge and mingle with the objects we use every day, the sink, the sideboard, the table, etc.

The drawings are made on the same semi-transparent paper used for the sails of the installation Dew Point, but each drawing has been sewn onto a square of isothermic cloth, the same cloth with which the cold migrants are wrapped and which has also become a daily image in the rescue reports. The cloth was used as a background for the drawings to reinforce the idea that this metamorphosis occurs precisely as a consequence of migration. In addition, each drawing is accompanied by a ‘travel note’, small sentences extrapolated from various books that the artist has loved and that have to do, precisely, with the idea of travel and the transformation of identity.