
dimensions 300×350 cm

The bookshop of the GAMeC – Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art – of Bergamo it became an exhibition space. From its original function was born the idea of my work. I have asked to all the people that I was able to contact by internet, posters, invitation cards, etc. if they want to donate one of their own books for the installation. At the dead line 2.500 books arrived from all over Italy. I arranged the books on the floor of the bookshop in rows creating an island around which the visitors could turn, reading the titles of the books and adding their own book.
At the end of the exhibition the books were 3.000.
Subsequently, all the work has been donated to a non-profit association: “Papillon rebibbia” that works in the library of the “Rebibbia” jail in Rome and at the library of the jail in Bergamo. All the people who collaborated in the realization of the work, were aware that their gesture would contribute to the creation of a work of art and subsequently contribute to the growth of the prison library.